24-hour residential services
Our 24-hour CQC-registered services are for people aged 18 years and over who have faced complex and recurring challenges with their mental wellbeing. Individuals are offered round-the-clock practical and emotional support by an experienced team of support workers.
Each person is supported to lead and set their own personal goals towards better mental wellebing and to work towards achieving them, with help tailored to meet each individual’s needs. Staff work alongside residents to develop tools to manage their mental health and improve their wellbeing. This is offered alongside practical support with the tasks of daily living, such as preparing meals, managing finances and personal care.
We focus on supporting individuals to improve their wellbeing by reconnecting with their community, reducing isolation and building informal support networks. This can involve support to access and utilise local facilities, socialise, develop hobbies and friendships and participate in activities and groups.
We work with people to help them build their futures and achieve their aspirations through supporting them to access training, volunteering and employment opportunities.
Once someone feels ready to move on to more independent living, staff will work with them to find and move to accommodation that best meets their needs. For example, some people living in our 24-hour services move to supported accommodation settings, or directly to their own flat.