Lewisham Wellbeing Hub

Contact details

Address, phone and email

Douglas Way
Phone: 0203962 8210
Email: Lewisham-Wellbeing-Hub@Together-uk.org

Services offered:

Community support
Income Maximisation Support
Peer support
Personalisation workshops

Service Manager: Alexandra Del Toro

Head of Regional Operations: Matina Marougka

The service is open from Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm.

This service offers peer support.

Make a referral to Lewisham Wellbeing Hub


The Lewisham Community Wellbeing Hub provides timely, targeted support to help people across the diverse communities in Lewisham to manage their mental health. Our aim is to provide people with the tools, resources and links to local services to improve their wellbeing and resilience in the long term, through the support of our experienced and skilled staff team. The service is open to anyone over 18 who lives in the London Borough of Lewisham, has experienced challenges with their mental health and who wants to improve their wellbeing.

The service does not provide crisis support, therapy, or counselling.

The service provides time-limited one to one practical sessions for residents in Lewisham to develop strong self-care practices, maintain their wellbeing and feel able to be a part of the local community.

The service offers:

  • One to One support – 10 weeks of practical goal-oriented support, including an initial assessment to identify goals. As part of the one-to-one support, we have specialist BAME Mental Wellbeing Advisors, who support culturally specific, sensitive and personalised support. Income Maximisation Wellbeing Advisors who provide information and support to apply for benefits, relevant grant schemes to maximise income, address debt issues and develop / improve skills around budgeting and money management.
  • Wellbeing Workshops – a rolling programme of psychoeducational and psychosocial groups, delivered both in person and virtually.
  • Drop- in and Pop ups – Get in touch to find out when and where you can find us in local venues across the borough. This is a way of reaching us if you have a query or concern about your wellbeing before you refer to our service. Through our pop up or drop ins you can access information and help in finding the appropriate support or service.
  • Peer Support – we run in person and online peer support groups facilitated by Peer Support volunteers who have lived experience of mental distress. The groups cover a range of themes and topics. To get our Peer Support Groups Calendar and terms please email lewisham-wellbeing-hub@together-uk.or and request information or additionally you can request to join our mailing list for our Newsletter!
  • Sydenham Garden – are a part of the Lewisham Wellbeing Hub and are sub-contractors with Together who use their gardens, nature reserve and activity rooms to help people in their recovery from mental and physical ill-health in Lewisham. The service aims to improve wellbeing through therapeutic activity and training, enabling people to move forward in a supportive community environment. You can read more on them and other community services in our Lewisham Wellbeing Hub Community Directory.

Accessing support

People can get in touch with us directly for self-referrals, or they can be referred to us by professionals. The service will be available to any Lewisham resident or anyone registered with a Lewisham GP, and aged over 18.

The service is delivered from a hub location, as well as various pop-up locations across the borough, and virtual support options.

Accessing the Lewisham Wellbeing Hub Community Directory

We have a community directory where we list services in the area that can provide further specialist support relating to mental health. This is available through the Lewisham Wellbeing Hub Community Directory.

Making a referral to Lewisham Wellbeing Hub

Referrals can be made to the Hub by health and social care professionals referring a person, or people can refer themselves using the referral form below:

Lewisham Wellbeing Hub Referral Form
Who is making this referral to Lewisham Wellbeing Hub? *

Information on you as the professional referring a person

Which of the below options best describes the team/service you are part of:
Which of the following best describes the type or organisation that you work for?

Basic Information on you/the person you are referring

Please enter date format as DD/MM/YYYY
Please add name, address and contact number of the GP

Indicate the most important areas you/they wish to discuss with an advisor for the 10 weeks support we provide (choose 2):

Please indicate below the most important support needs for you/the person you are referring:
Indicate what type of groups or workshops would you / they be interested in? (choose 1 option)

Risk Assessment

Are you a health professional with access to a formal risk assessment for the person?
Please attach the formal risk assessment below:

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Equality and Diversity - Please note all of the questions in this section are voluntary and if you/the person you're referring would rather not say they do not have to answer them

How would you define your /their gender?
What is your / their sexual orientation?
How would you describe your / their religion / belief/ faith?
Which of the following best matches your / their ethnicity?
Do you experience any of the following:
Tick below to confirm you / the person you are referring has consented to share the above information with Together for Mental Wellbeing, Lewisham Wellbeing Hub. We may need to contact other agencies related to your/ their query, such as mental health or social care services to coordinate a response. (GP, SLAM, HTT, Social services, or other). Together’s privacy policy is at https://www.together-uk.org/who-we-are/our-people-and-governance/privacy-policy/ *

Volunteer with Lewisham Wellbeing Hub

Please note before applying to volunteer with Lewisham Wellbeing Hub please read the Volunteer Peer Supporter Role Description

Recruitment to Lewisham Wellbeing Hub is currently paused for volunteers but this page will be updated when that is open again.

Douglas Way