Boudicca Court Accommodation Service
Contact details
Address and phone
Boudicca Court
Littleport Street
Kings Lynn
PE30 1QF
01553 776555
Services offered
Supported Living
NIHCSS Service
Contract Manager: Sally Forrest
Service Manager: Jo Jones
What is Boudicca Court
Boudicca Court is a Supported Housing Service comprising of sixteen flats all self-contained. The sixteen flats are across 2 blocks all contained within security gates that a fob is needed to gain entry (or to call through to the required flat/office), there is also staff accommodation situated within one of the blocks and a staff office.
How is it staffed?
The Staff Team for all services are based at Boudicca Court. Boudicca Court is Staffed 24 hours a day, providing sleep-in cover and emergency staff support out of normal office hours, the office is open from 7am to 6pm and the staff sleep in from 10pm to 7am for emergencies. There are 16 members of staff, 1 Service Manager, 1 Team leader, 8 Recovery Workers, 3 Peer Support Workers and 3 Intensive Recovery Workers.
How much support will I receive?
Boudicca Court is commissioned to provide direct and indirect support. The support will be tailored to the needs of the individual who uses the service and detailed in a personal support plan.
What type of support do we offer?
The aim of all of the services is to assess and support people to work towards their chosen housing goal and have the opportunity to live as independently as possible in the future.
Staff can offer support to manage:
- A tenancy and all aspects of maintaining accommodation
- Self-care and living skills
- Claiming benefits, budgeting and debts
- Improving health and well being
- Making connections with the local community
- Medication and engaging with health services
- Accessing community resources
- Exploring opportunities for work and education
- Accessing suitable move on accommodation appropriate to need
Who is the service for?
The service is for people from the age of 18 who experience mental distress, who live in the Norfolk area. We can also offer support with issues such as alcohol and drug misuse, self harm and eating disorders but only if this is not the primary diagnosis or sole support need.
How long can I stay within the service?
We work to a maximum stay of 2 years, however, the length of time is led by the support needs of the individual and working on the housing assessment process. The aim will always be to support to live as independently as possible and to move on into the community.
Our Values
We will support to identify and build on individual’s strengths in order to promote recovery, and assist to achieve optimum level of independence. We work in partnership with our people who use the service, their families, friends, and wider care teams to promote and maintain good mental health and wellbeing. We offer a flexible and supportive service focused on need.