Work Well Southwark

Work Well Southwark supports Southwark residents experiencing mental health difficulties to either move into or sustain paid employment. We can help you to access support in the following areas:

Employability support, e.g. CV development, help with application forms, job search and interview support
Support to contact employers to help negotiate any adjustments needed in the workplace
Career guidance to explore individual work motivations and interests to identify a suitable job match
Assistance to access training, education and volunteering opportunities
Support to attend employability workshops and to access free interview clothing

Job Retention
Assistance to liaise with your employer and to negotiate reasonable adjustments
Help to develop a return to work plan/guidance with regards to coping strategies around staying healthy at work
Support to develop at work or move into a new job through exploration of training/self-development opportunities
Signposting to specialist legal services if required

Work Well Advice Line
We have a dedicated phone line for people with mental health problems with employment-related queries. Our team of Employment Specialists will provide free confidential employment advice and will signpost you to the right services if needed. To access the Work Well Advice Line call 020 3228 2041 and leave your name and number. Or enter your details below. We aim to call you back within 48 hours, from 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Address and Contact details