South London and Maudsley Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) is a big organisation – but we try to get things right for everybody we see. We know that sometimes, we don’t get it right.
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) can help by providing:
- InformationAbout mental health issues generally.
About SLaM services – what is available, how you can use them.
About other NHS services and local community resources. - AdviceHow to use a service.
How to make decisions about your care and treatment.
How to sort out any problems, disagreements or misunderstandings. - SupportYou may not be able to sort out a problem with a SLaM service on your own. PALS can help you
to get your voice heard by the professionals or managers involved so that you can get the answers you need about why something has gone wrong or why particular treatments may not be available or recommended.
The PALS service is free and independent of SLaM clinical services. You can use PALS if you are being seen by any SLaM service, or if you are a friend or family member of someone who is using a SLaM service.