SLaM Addictions Healthcare Professionals Service (Maudsley Hospital)
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) is the main provider of mental health care in Southwark.
The Addictions Healthcare Professionals Service is for healthcare professionals. They offer:
Party Drugs Clinic
Our consultant-led clinic supports primary and secondary care services by providing highly specialised assessment and direct management for people with gammabutyrolactone (GBL), gammahydroxybutrate (GHB), mephedrone, methamphetamine and other party drug dependence and misuse. We offer assessment, expert advice, treatment recommendations and direct management where existing services are unable to.
Specialist Drugs Clinic
Our consultant-led service offers comprehensive assessment and management of special or complex cases of alcohol dependence, which cannot be managed by addiction services in the local area. We also provide second opinions, expert advice and treatment recommendations to professionals treating people in their local area.
Specialist Alcohol Clinic
Our consultant-led clinic supports primary care and secondary services through highly specialised assessment and management of special or complex cases of drug dependence. We provide second opinions, expert advice and treatment recommendations to professionals treating people in their local area.