METRO is a leading equality and diversity charity, providing health, community and youth services across London. METRO promotes health, wellbeing, equality and participation through youth services, mental health and wellbeing services, sexual and reproductive health and HIV services, community participation and involvement. METRO works with anyone experiencing issues related to gender, sexuality, diversity or identity.
In Southwark, Metro offer the following services:
METRO SPARK is a free and confidential service for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ) young people aged 16-25 in Southwark. It is provided by METRO Youth and funded by London Borough of Southwark Youth Service. It provides a safe place and support for LGBTQ young people to improve their wellbeing and gain knowledge on important topics such as Healthy Relationships, Sexual Health, Mental Health, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities and others. Young people can refer themselves or be referred by a professional.
METRO Chat Counselling service for people who identify as LGBTQ. Self-referrals are accepted.
Safer Communities Victim support for hate crimes or domestic violence in relation to homophobic, biphobic or transphobic incidents.
HIV Service Peer Support for anyone aged 18+ who is HIV positive (this isn’t just restricted to people who are LGBTQ).