Wellingborough CaRFAS (Clinical and Recovery-Focused Accommodation Service)
Contact details
Address and phone
Nest Lane
Phone: 01933 272 194
Services offered:
24-hour residential - complex needs
24hr residential
Clinical and Recovery-focused Support
Peer support
Wellbeing and Operations Manager: Chris Cooper
Service Manager: Sheldon Richards
Email: sheldon-richards@together-uk.org
This service offers peer support.
About the service
Who is this service for?
This is a 24-hour CQC-registered accommodation service for adults (aged 18+ years) who experience severe mental distress. Residents have challenging life circumstances and are entering the service from high-level support and secure settings or as an alternative to hospital admission.
Individuals who use this service are likely to have left hospital following a long stay or directly from a secure unit. Some may have a Community Treatment Order (CTO) or be on conditional discharge under the Mental Health Act. They may also be on licence if they have been in the criminal justice system. Some people using our service will be returning to their local community from out-of-area placements. They are likely to be in contact with a range of services, including Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs), forensic services, Drug and Alcohol Teams (DAT) and social services.
The length of an individual’s stay will depend on their needs and their personal journey towards greater mental wellbeing. The service has a staff team of 14 and can offer support for a total of 11people – 8 in the CQC-Registered main home and 3 in our on-site supported living bungalows.
What support can we offer people?
Our service is based on a combination of six essential elements with support delivered by the management team, Recovery Workers, our Clinician and Peer Support through both one-to-one and group work. This blend of elements is designed to support individuals to transition to the community and to become equipped to live more independently in the longer-term.
These six essential elements are:
1. A person-centred approach
Individuals are supported to identify their personal goals towards mental wellbeing and to plan and direct their support in order to work towards them.
2. A psychologically-informed way of working
Staff work with individuals in a psychologically-informed way to understand thoughts and emotions that may lead to distressing and difficult behaviours and to develop strategies to manage them. This involves engaging in reflective practice – centred on consistent review of what is and isn’t effective and incorporating this experience into future approaches.
3. A blend of clinical and recovery-focused interventions
Our in-house clinical team support individuals to manage the challenges they face with their mental distress, develop and practice coping skills and implement knowledge and insights gained. Alongside this work, both recovery workers and clinicians will support residents to identify and develop their strengths and skills, build their resilience and develop personal and practical resources to manage their experiences of mental distress and stay well.
4. Sharing personal experiences of journeys towards better mental wellbeing through genuine and meaningful peer support
All individuals have the choice of working with Peer Supporters trained to draw on their own experiences of mental distress to help others towards better mental wellbeing. Genuine and meaningful peer support can help people take huge strides forward in their personal journeys , and is a key part of our service. In future, residents may wish to become a Peer Supporter themselves, for which we can provide training.
5. Building strong partnerships to ensure a safe journey from mental health facilities
To ensure individuals make a safe journey from hospitals and secure units to the Together service, our staff work closely with statutory mental health and forensic services to develop and implement risk-management strategies.
6. Preparation for moving on to more independent living
The service aims to support individuals to move on to less intensive 24-hour residential support, supported housing or independent tenancies, dependent on their individual needs.
Individuals and their key working team will work closely with care coordinators, and family, to identify move on accommodation following their time at the Together service , and goals and timelines for achieving this will be set and incorporated into their support plan led by the person.
Make a referral to Wellingborough CaRFAS
Together Residential Accommodation Services Referral Form: