Research and guides
We commission research to provide evidence for practitioners and policymakers to help them improve care for people experiencing mental distress. Our practical guides aim to help those who come into contact professionally with people with mental health problems understand the issues and follow best practice.

Together has published the following research papers within different areas of mental health support:
Personalised Residential Mental Health Support
Personalised Community Mental Health Support
Evaluating Your Way – Together’s model of personalised community mental health support
Criminal Justice
Peer support
Peer Support in Secure Settings
Lived experience leading the way: Peer support in mental health
A helping hand: consultation with service users about peer support
Together provides the following guides to working alongside people who experience mental distress:
Guides for practitioners
Common sense approach to working with women in the criminal justice system
A common sense approach to working with defendants with mental health and wellbeing needs
Briefing: Service User Involvement in mental health services – June 2014
Good practice guide to valuing, respecting and supporting service user activity
Guides for everyone
Talking About Mental Health Guide