Macmillan: South East London Buddies

Macmillan’s South East London Buddies provide one-to-one practical and emotional support for people affected by cancer.  They are trained volunteers who can offer a listening ear or a helping hand to support you. Volunteers can visit people in their homes or meet in a public place within the South East London area.

Support can be one-off or once a week for up to 12 sessions, and visits may last approximately 1-2 hours per week. A volunteer buddy could:

  • Offer a listening ear over a cup of tea
  • Help with simple household tasks
  • Signpost you to other local services

The scheme is currently running in Greenwich, Lewisham and Southwark, and there are plans for it to be pan South East London by Summer 2018. If you live in Lambeth, Bexley or Bromley please contact Macmillan Buddies for further advice. Macmillan Buddies offer one-to-one emotional support to people who are affected by cancer. This support usually takes place within the client’s home and runs for 12 sessions.

In addition to the South East London Buddy Scheme, Macmillan offer a host of support services for anyone affected by cancer. For support, information or if you just want to chat, call the Macmillan Support Line free on 0808 808 00 00 (Monday to Friday, 9am–8pm) or visit Macmillan’s website.