Depaul UK

Depaul UK helps people who are homeless, vulnerable and disadvantaged. They focus on young people in crisis and beyond. Depaul UK works with some of the most disadvantaged young people in the UK. They specialise in working in communities where poverty and long-term unemployment have resulted in generations of social exclusion and high rates of homelessness.
They support young people by:

  • Offering a safe place to stay in a crisis,
  • Helping them to take the step from homelessness into stable housing, and
  • Providing specialist long-term support to help get lives back on track.

In Central London, Depaul run the following projects:

  • Alone in London provides a range of services to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and last year engaged with more than 2,000 people. Its work includes housing advice, free counselling via the Mind Connect service, family mediation, training and employment and schools work.
  • Nightstop provides emergency accommodation for young homeless people aged 16 to 25 years in the spare bedrooms of volunteer hosts. The clients are young people who, often due to family breakdown, lack of money, their sexuality or any other imaginable reason, have nowhere to live.
  • Reconnect supports young people aged 14 to 25 to rebuild their family relationships and help those who want to return home. The project aims to improve communication, mutual understanding and respect between young people and their families by addressing, rather than going back over, family conflicts and areas of difficulty in their relationships.