Comments, compliments and complaints
We believe that the best way to improve services is by learning from the people who use them. We welcome comments, compliments and complaints from people who use our services, carers and the people we come into contact with in our work. These help us to see what we are doing well and where we can make improvements to our services.

Comments and compliments
If you’ve had a good experience, or there’s something you really like about a Together service, we’d like to hear about it. If there’s something you want to say about the service you receive or you have ideas about changes we could make that would improve them, please let us know.
“If you’ve had a good experience, or there’s something you want to say about the service you receive, we’d like to hear about it.”
You can either pass your compliments or comments on to a worker or put them in writing. There will be information about who to write to, or a form for you to fill in if you prefer, at your local service.
If you’re not a user of our services, but would like to pass on a comment or compliment, please use one of the ways to get in touch or ask at your local service. You can also consult the Comments, compliments and complaints procedure and use the form below if you have a complaint about Together.
Complaints about Together services
If there’s something that you’re not happy with in a service you receive from Together, please read the Comments, compliments and complaints procedure, which explains how to make a complaint, you can read our policy on Whistleblowing – For External Stakeholders or fill out the form below:
If problems do arise, we will deal with them in a fair way that respects your rights and does not victimise you in any way. Our procedure is confidential and we’ll keep you informed of what is happening.
Making a complaint to another body
There are a number of other organisations that can investigate complaints against mental health workers, doctors, psychiatrists and local authorities.
British Psychological society
The BPS is the representative body for psychologists and psychology in the UK and can investigate complaints against psychologists.
General Medical Council
The GMC is the regulator of the medical profession. It has the powers to act against problem doctors, including psychiatrists.
Local Government Ombudsmen
Local Government Ombudsmen investigate complaints of injustice arising from maladministration by local authorities and certain other bodies, including those relating to housing and social services.
Healthwatch focuses on ensuring that people’s worries and concerns about current services are addressed, and they can support you in making complaints. Click the link above to find the contact details for your local branch.
If the Together service your comment/compliment/complaint relates to is regulated by the CQC, you can share your experiences of our service using the form on their website.
Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC)
The HCPC regulates a number of health and care professionals including occupational therapists, practitioner psychologists and social workers. The HCPC can investigate individual professionals’ fitness to practise where an individual has not met the HCPC’s standards.