Together Operations and Development Manager Tracy Moss on working alongside adults with Down Syndrome

Sunday 21 March 2021 was World Down Syndrome Day.

The theme this year was inspired by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) which supports effective and meaningful participation as a core human right. At Together our advocacy services regularly work alongside people with Down Syndrome as well as adults with other learning disabilities. We support them in accessing mental health services and look to break down the prejudice they can encounter so their views are heard and so they can take an active part in decisions on their care.

Together Operations and Development Manager Tracy Moss on celebrating working alongside adults with Down Syndrome:

Independent Advocacy has progressed rapidly in the last 10 years with new inclusion roles within the Mental Capacity Act, Mental Health Act and the Care Act,  Independent Advocates will always have an enormous gratitude to adults with Down Syndrome for working closely with Independent Advocates to raise issues that are specific to your experience in the UK.

We have gained  knowledge from working alongside adults who are frustrated as time and time again their issues are not being listened to.  We are directed by the our customers/service users/clients with Down Syndrome to have their own voice listened to by Adult Social Care, NHS and care providers.  Issues relating to a choice in sexual relationships, medical procedures, daily freedom to make personal choices, access to paid work, accommodation choices, & much, much more.

We celebrate the chance to learn every day from those that use our service and we are so very grateful for your patience, creativity and consistency in supporting our learning.